Automation Engineers

Automation is a branch of engineering that ‘automates’ a particular process or system, typically implemented through some form of machinery to replicate or replace a manual labor process. Automation is used in almost every industry and business across the globe, and consists of equipment that can be mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electronic, electrical and computer controlled, or a combination of any/all of these.

Automation engineering is a technically challenging discipline which requires an understanding of multiple engineering principles along with mathematics, science, physics, mechanics and design. Modern automation systems also utilize an extensive range of computer and IT technologies, requiring an understanding of networking devices, communication protocols and programming.

An automation engineer is required to have an in-depth understanding of not only automation processes and systems, but engineering standards and legal obligations along with workplace health & safety regulations. Automation systems can be extremely complex and in most cases hazardous, so safety should be considered the highest priority in every automation project.

Automation IT engineers have extensive knowledge of automation, control, engineering and safety systems, so are able to provide expert services covering areas such as:

  • PLC
  • HMI
  • RTU Networks
  • Software Engineering
  • Robotics
  • Sensors & Transducers
  • Telemetry
  • PID
  • Hydraulics
  • Pneumatics
  • CNC
  • Motion Drives

Automation IT employs numerous expert automation engineers, including highly experienced RPEQ registered, so can offer unmatched technical capabilities with the highest levels of service and safety considerations. To find out more about how Automation IT can benefit your current or next automation project then contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..